Before seven years, Baladevi Rishidev a resident of Budhiganga joined Jeevan Bikas with a loan of Rs.30,000 started small grocery store. Her Husband used to earn Rs.15,000 a month by working as a tractor driver. With a son and three daughters, there is not enough income to invest in the upbringing and education of a family of six member. according to the plan of earning income if he can buy and drive a tractor by him self, her husband bought a tractor through the Jeevan Bikas branch office Tankisinwari and started operating it himself . Later when he started earning as much as he wanted , he also bought a thresher with the aim of increasing the income of both father and son. Starting her business from a small grocery store, Baladevi has provided employment not only to her family members but also to other person. At present they are preparing to give a good education to their children with a monthly income of Rs.60,000 and build a secure house. Baladevi and her family are satisfied with the increase in respect in the society as well as their financial well being.


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